Hell yeah, I made it to 36! It’s always exciting making it to another year in life, right? This reminds me of what my dad says when someone says, hey it’s good to see you, Mr. Massarella. He responds – it’s good to be seen. I like that. A. It is good to be seen. B. It’s a solid, honest response.
So, now that I am 36 I am constantly reminded that my biological clock is ticking, I’m closer to 40 and my 20-year high school reunion more now than ever before, the botox debate will soon commence, and the grays will probably show up sooner rather than later. All of that being said, it’s good to be alive and it is good to be seen. With age comes change and I suppose I am going to be one with it as I find gratitude in becoming another year older.
I feel pretty well equipped as I enter my 36th year of life – granted I don’t know a lot about a lot of things, I have managed to pick up a few tips along the way.
Here are some lessons I have gathered through my 36 years:
Try hard to keep in touch with those you love. Life is too short. Even if it’s a phone call or text. Connect. Better yet, send a card or letter.
Buy the Apple Care. Just do it.
Be an advocate for yourself. Ask for that raise, say what’s in your heart, what’s on your mind, speak up even if your voice shakes. No one else is going to do it for you.
Wear whatever the hell you want. Who cares if it doesn’t match or if it’s not trendy. It’s so less boring when you do you. And way more fulfilling.
Fill your home. With people, seasonal scents, flickering candles, cozy blankets, laughs, good food, and memories.
If someone’s loved one is sick, ask them how they’re doing. Both of them. Why not?
Create. Anything! A photo, a cake, a garden, a nude painting, anything! Tapping into creative vibes helps you get to know more about yourself.
Meditate. It’s free, it works and like everything else in life, it takes practice. It’s so worth every moment of trying.
Eat the freaking donut. Seriously. Live a little.
Marriage takes work and communication. Compromise, say I’m sorry, give hugs, kiss, say thank you, show & give the love. Laugh.
When someone says no – someone else is waiting to say yes. Keep trying. Persistence and consistency pay off.
It’s ok if everything doesn’t go as planned. Let it go.
You never know what someone else is going thru. Ever. Compassion and patience help in these situations.
Put whatever it is out in the universe, it’s listening.
Don’t forget about the sick. They still matter.
A menstrual cup is where it’s at.
If someone’s rude or puts you down, they’re the asshole. Not you.
Become ok with uncertainty. Best advice my therapist ever gave me. Well, that and to meditate.
Welp, I have a lot to learn, that I know. But so far, I like the tools I’ve managed to acquire. Today I shall indulge in a donut, visit my mom, and clean out my garage. We’ll toast to 36 with a fine red wine this evening. Cheers to getting older and wiser!
xo, Lauren
Nina says
You are one smart cookie for 36!
Loved ALL of them and I needed to read those!!!
Your forever fan!
Lauren says
Love you so much, Nina! I learn a lot from YOU. XOXO
Mirella Rocca says
Amazing words.Amazing young lady. I’m so happy you and Deanna are best of friends. Love you Xxxx
Lauren says
Thank you so much for reading, Mirella! And yes, I agree. I am beyond grateful for her. Love you too. XOXO