Michelle and I are thrilled to have made it to our 100th podcast episode of Cozy Conversations with The Sister Project.
It goes without saying that we love podcasting. We love producing, creating, and sharing our lives with our listeners.
But what we love most is having meaningful conversations that make us laugh, sometimes cry, and always walk away feeling good.
It’s no secret that we didn’t have a clue what we were doing when we first started. Not a damn clue. But the thing is, we knew this was in our forecast as our brand and ourselves evolved so we were willing to go into it knowing nothing.
And now here we are…100.
Thank you to all of our listeners and Anchor.com supporters who have tuned in along the way. We’re incredibly grateful and hope you have been enjoying what we have been creating.
To celebrate this milestone, we decided to host a Q&A and answer questions from our loyal listeners.
Below is a portion of the episode but please be sure to tune into Episode 100 for its entirety.
Shparz13: What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
Lauren: June’s gold wedding band, my rose gold wedding band, and my Neshama Project Nikki necklace. I wear them all religiously.
Michelle: I am not a big jewelry person. I barely wear my wedding ring but that is the thing that I love the most.
Bestlife_momma: If you could live somewhere besides Chicagoland, where would you want to live and why?
Lauren: I have two. New York City. There is SO much to experience in NYC. It’s endless! I love that you can walk into a hole in the wall and be in a little speakeasy. Plus it’s on the east coast and Europe is closer from across the pond.
Also, Italy. For the Dolce far Niente, beaches, and food. The cafe culture is something that we so lack here in the states and it is truly something I want to be part of my life. Anthony and I have agreed that our goal, perhaps starting next year or the year after, is to take a month to live there each summer.
Michelle: I long for the day that I can wake up and go to sleep with the view of a lake as my backdrop. It is something Ryan and I are manifesting. Otherwise, I feel connected to the mountains. I love Colorado and could live there. I hear I would like Park City too.
Jennifermcreasey: I have a friend doing IVF. Is there anything I can do for her or a nice gift I could give her?
Lauren: I think the best thing you can do for a woman going through IVF is to just listen, give them an ear. Especially if it’s the first time because truly the person going through it has no freaking idea what’s going on or what the turnout is going to be like. A good friend that is there to listen or grab a bite to eat is such a gift.
If she’s a reader, a really good page-turner to help keep her mind off of IVF for every waking moment really really helps. A beautiful houseplant is also a perfect gift.
Michelle: My friends always sent me flowers. It brightened my day and reminded me how lucky I was to have such wonderful caring people in my life, even when the shit got hard.
Hookandgarden: Where do you see The Sister Project /Cozy Conversations in a year from now?
Lauren: Here’s where I see TSP: A book, a cannabis line, and a really freaking successful podcast with a shit ton of listeners and sponsors to pay the bills. Would love some sort of investigative spin-off as well.
Michelle: I echo all of that.
Nic.Spencer.85: What is something you’d like to experience again because you didn’t appreciate it enough the first time?
Lauren: This is one of my favorite questions. This is interesting because when I reflect back on the bigger moments in my life, my wedding, my mom’s death, babies being born, I can recall much of it. I suppose if I had to pick one thing to go back and experience again – it would be time spent with my mom when she was healthy and vibrant. I have so many incredible memories of time spent with her, especially one on our front porch just the two of us. I’m selfish and would want to experience 100 more just like that.
Michelle: My college experience. It wasn’t that I didn’t appreciate it, I didn’t know what I wanted to study. I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted. I would go back and study marketing, graphic design, or maybe sound engineering.
Ellen_johnson1212: What has been the biggest challenge you’ve overcome in creating the podcast?
Lauren: Finding interesting news stories and personal stories to share. I realize some episodes are more popular than others and it’s kind of like a drug. When you find a good one that does very well, number-wise, you chase that dragon. But also, learning how the business of podcasting works. The easiest part of this whole thing is working together.
Michelle: All of it has been one big beautiful challenge. Imposter syndrome and sound have been my two biggest challenges. There are still days when that little dick Mr. Imposter rears his ugly head, but that seems to come less often now. In the early days, the technical stuff was stressful because I was so unfamiliar with everything. The sound. The random problems that would arise where no two problems were alike. I always figured it out and over time, I grew more confident in my abilities and I have also tricked Lauren into thinking I know what I am doing.
Firemom1313: Who would your dream interview be with?
Lauren: Dead – Anne Frank, Princess Diana, Freddie Mercury.
Alive – Cher, Jeff Goldblum, or Jane Fonda
Michelle: Brandi Chastain
Thestarsandson: What type of personal growth are you working on?
Lauren: Jesus, I feel like I am always a work in progress and working on something. At this very moment, I am letting go of the fear of the what if’s of infertility. It’s there, but I am not letting it consume me. I am much more going with the flow and creating space for the good and bad news. The real space.
I am also changing the way I say things, for instance, instead of, I think it’ll happen, I am saying, I know it will happen. And that doesn’t just go for having a baby but with anything I want and desire in life.
I got a tip from a spirit channeler who suggested that anytime fear sneaks into my brainwaves to put on a song that makes me happy. So…I created an entire playlist called My Happy Songs. There’s no doubt that music can change the way you feel and think in an instant.
Michelle: I am always working on mindset. I am my greatest critic. Speaking to myself with kindness and compassion is not my first instinct so it’s a work in progress.
To listen to the entire episode, please stream on Spotify, Apple, Anchor.com, or anywhere else you stream podcasts.
Thank you to all of our listeners who wrote in. We LOVED answering your questions.
To learn more about how you can support The Sister Project and the content we create, please head HERE.
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