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Depending on how you feel about the following sentence, I either have good news or bad news for you:
You’re most likely a witch.
Ok, maybe not totally, but let me put it this way. There’s a chance to you participate in some witchy ways and practices without even knowing it.
There’s that old joke that there is nothing more basic than being obsessed with fall, but I’m starting to think that being obsessed with fall is anything but basic.
Not that long ago, while being consumed with happy feelings of fall, I came across a word: Mabon, pronounced may-bon.
Mabon is technically a Wiccan holiday of thanksgiving where practitioners give thanks for the bounty of their harvest and begin to prepare for the winter or the dark season ahead. It’s basically the witch’s thanksgiving.
I love the idea of showing gratitude for all the hard work that mother nature, our gardens, farmers, all the folks (ourselves included) put forth in getting us our foods. Embracing a sense of gratitude helps keep us grounded along with making sure we don’t take for granted what we have access to which is so much. We’re very lucky.
Here’s a little more on Mabon:
In Celtic tradition, Mabon typically commemorates the celebration of resting after a long and laborious harvest season. It is traditionally seen as a time to finish projects and clear out emotional and physical clutter so that the winter can be a restful and peaceful season.
If for nothing else, Mabon allows a moment of the year to reflect on the seasons past. I find that taking time to appreciate the gifts from the ground helps us create space within ourselves and our homes to show gratitude and prepare for the seasons ahead.
This year, Mabon will fall on Wednesday, September 22, 2021.
If you’re interested in ways to celebrate Mabon we have a couple in mind.
Create a Mabon altar. I know this sounds cult-like or too pagan already to some ears but hear me out. Set up a small space, say a mantle, nightstand, or the top of a dress, and place a few things that help you embrace this time of year. Photos of loved ones who have passed away. A candle. Some incense. Gourds. Dried leaves or acorns found on fall walks. It’s your little autumn shrine to help ground you. Gosh, I wouldn’t be surprised if you already had something of the sort already in place.
Have a Mabon Friendsgiving. Invite over a few friends to celebrate the change of seasons with. Brew up some soup, bake something delicious (perhaps these pumpkin chocolate chip cookies), enjoy some red wine, seasonal ale, or warm apple cider. Play some games, watch a spooky flick, or create some sort of autumnal decor. This is a very hygge way to get your fall season started.
Fall Clean. It’s just like spring cleaning, but with a cozier twist in mind. This change of seasons calls for decluttering and not just within the home, but within the head as well. Take some time to organize your coat closet so when colder temps arise, you’re ready. Set up some boundaries if you’re needing to release yourself from toxic situations or relationships. Consider what will make this fall season calmer for you and navigate accordingly.
Go on a Mabon walk. Get outside for a mindful jaunt as you let the fall air invigorate you. Feel the wind whisk through your hair. Smell the change of seasons. Perhaps even pick up some treasures for your Mabon altar. Not only is a walk good for the body, but it’s also really wonderful for the brain and mental health as well.
Have a bonfire. What better way than to see summer go and welcome fall than with a cozy bonfire. Sitting around the warmth and glow of a fire is a beautiful way to celebrate Mabon.
Celebrate and acknowledge all of your hard work. Sure you may not have grown a giant garden filled with a harvest bounty, but I can guarantee you’ve done a ton of hard work over the past seasons leading up to now. Jot down all of the goals you have accomplished, the small ones and the bigs ones. See how far you’ve come, how much you have created. A bounty can be whatever you want it to be and there’s no doubt that you one of your own.
Wishing you all a beautiful fall season ahead. We hope you get your Mabon on in a very festive and seasonal way. xo
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